Here we go again...

 The well-needed summer break is finally coming to an end and I'm actually kind of excited for module 3. Don't get me wrong, the thought of having to actually complete my inquiry in the next 12 weeks terrifies me but I'm excited to dive in and begin really investigating my field of inquiry. 

I've spent the summer teaching alongside training to keep myself in shape, which has given me a fresh perspective on my inquiry topic and helped me understand how perceptions change when one transitions from being the dancer to being the teacher/director. Since I was between seasons I also had time to start organising myself for module 3 and as such feel like I'm more prepared going into this module than either of the previous two. I have created a participant organisation sheet to help me keep on top of my interviewees detailing their participant ID, the dates of contact, if they have been sent the participant information sheet and consent forms and if they are signed, as well as the planned interview date. At the moment the table is almost completely blank as term hasn't yet started but I'm hoping that having the template ready will make it easier for me to hit the ground running when term starts in a couple of weeks.I have also written out my proposed interview questions to go over with my supervisor in my first one-to-one so I can start the interview process and data collection as soon as possible. 

This all seems quite excessive during my summer break but it has all stemmed from my anxiety regarding the time frame. I have just moved to a new company in a new location so am still trying to get my bearings and find my routine and I also began my sports nutrition certification over the summer. I had hoped that I would be nearing the end of my certification by the time BAPP started up again but unfortunately just after I enrolled my teaching schedule got crazy busy and I had wayyy less time than I had originally planned for. So here I am, once again spreading myself a little bit too thin, hoping that all this extra planning and organisation will make this final term at least a little more manageable! 


  1. Wow, Kirsty! You sound super organised already and im very jealous! I spent the summer basically recovering from Module 2, chilling when I can and trying to get a much dosh in a possible so I don’t have to do it during m3 as much and when baby comes! I can’t even really remember what my inquiry title was, let alone what questions I can write! Any tips to work those out?

    1. Hey Clare! I'm sure you are more prepared than you think you are! For my interview questions I looked back at my literature review and mind maps from mod 2 to see which areas of interest really stuck out to me from my initial research. From there I sat down and just thought to myself 'what do i actually want to find out' 'what questions will give me a broad yet in-depth over view of the topic from each perspective' and 'what questions could trigger conversations that bring about other ideas I haven't thought of'. Hope that helps? Kirsty x

  2. That sounds like a great idea thanks for sharing Kirsty! I think I will create one for myself too! Thats great you're organised and feeling prepared. I was worried about how busy I would be coming back to Cruise ships after the pandemic so I tried to prepare myself a little bit whilst I was quarantining a while back! But the thought of this module scares me so much!

    1. I feel the same... trying to do as much as possible before the chaos really begins! Hope you're having a fab time back on cruise!

  3. I would love to have your organisational skills Kirsty! Such a great idea prepping templates etc. already.
    I'm feeling more prepared than I did this time last week having gone over all my previous modules work and the looking at the M3 handbook but, like you I'm slightly terrified going into this module yet excited about what I'm going to find out.
    Hope all is going well in your new company and location. Good luck for Module 3, Jen x


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