First Thoughts and Welcome Back Calls

I'm not going to lie, looking through the module 2 handbook was starting to cause me a lot of stress and anxiety... The workload seems to have tripled from module 1 and nothing was really making any sense. Having had my one to one meeting with my supervisor earlier this week and attending the welcome back zoom call on Friday I'm beginning to gain some kind of understanding of what this module is about and    how to approach it.

My understanding so far is that module 2 is essentially a planning module for the inquiry we undertake in module 3. It allows us the time to complete all of the admin work necessary to undertake a research project at the university whilst also giving us a head start on finding scholars, practitioners and key theorists in the field of study our inquiry will focus on. It is also aimed at providing us with a greater understanding of different methods of research and how to design and plan a research project.

During the welcome back zoom call a couple of module 3 students shared some useful information with regards to how to approach module 2 and one point in particular stood out and resonated with me. That being that "You don’t necessarily need to know anything about what you’re looking into, your inquiry should be something that breeds curiosity and that you're interested in learning more about". In general I'm a creature of habit and when it comes to things like this; I quite enjoying staying all cosy in my comfort zone and tend to just explore something I already know about in more depth. Whilst this is perfectly reasonable if the topic in question still instills curiosity in me I feel like by doing this I would reduce the potential benefit and growth that could come from exploring something entirely different.

In my eyes my practice is very broad and there are so many things that I do and want to do in the future that I am curious to explore further, which makes choosing a particular topic to focus on for my inquiry pretty difficult. Looking back at the map of my practice I created in module 1 there are a few areas that stick out to me; in particular the general outlook on injury prevention and rehabilitation techniques in my practice compared to other athletic disciplines and the differences in the advancements and acceptance of dance science in comparison to sports science. The problem with these topics is how broad they are so my next task is to not only choose between the two but to also try to break them down and figure out a way to concentrate my research in order to create an inquiry proposal that would actually be achievable in module 3. Any ideas on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!!

For now its time to start focusing my attention on understanding the handbook and starting the dreaded literature review... Module 2, Let's Do This!


  1. Lovely blog Kirsty. I love your ideas for your inquiry - they sound super interesting.
    Module 2 does seem pretty big compared to Module 1. I'm really hoping my understanding of what's expected will click into place faster than it did in Module1! Hoping reading and re-reading the handbook will help! I'm still unsure of what I'm going to base my inquiry on. Like you, there are quite a few topics of interest to me and I'm just not sure which one to focus on yet! Anyway, here's to the start of Module 2!

  2. Hi Kirsty, great post. And after seeing your M1 Artefact i think you have some great things you could focus. I think you are right and its the planning that we really just have to get our head around...its the lit review that i'm struggling with where to start?
    Looking forward to getting to the point where its starting to take place.
    onwards and upwards x

  3. Hey Kirsty, great post! this is my 4th time attacking M2! only last time did I understand it and have something to ficus on. however I have changed my mind again and I am going to mind map a new idea. I also struggle with the literature side of things, so any tips you discover would be greatly appreciated! x

  4. This blog has really helped me Kirtsy, thank you! The way you have broke it down has helped simplify it in my brain, as I was starting to feel very overwhelmed! I also like your topics for your inquiry I think after you do some reading you'll get that light build moment and know what to start to focus on! I think going back to my mod 1 mind map might be a good place for me to start to get some inspiration too!

  5. I think that's a great starting point you've got there Kirsty! I'm at the same stage where I just need to focus in a bit more and am also struggling with this haha! so at least we're in the same struggle haha!

  6. Lush blog! Glad you've had your one to one already, you must be feeling in a good place, excited to follow your journey through module two xx

  7. Hi Kirsty! Super cool to discover another ballerina on this course :D I totally can relate to my practice being so broad and I find it hard to pick out the necessary "best" things to write about. Especially in the mod 1 essay ! I think that's a really relevant topic about injury and rehabilitation in dance compared to sports, the podcast I listened to today was all about that. The guy who is employed in White Lodge for rehab is from a sports background so it's interesting to hear his transition. I took it from the podcast "SciDance".... I think you have a while until we really have to chose one specific topic... Helen told me on the phone today that there's a really high chance that what we're thinking about now is going to change by the end of the inquiry... What helps me is finding resources and people that really speak to me that can inspire me. Relating to them and feeding myself with that then more easily opens new pathways... I hope you can find your inspiration and flood yourself with new ideas and positivity :)

  8. Hi Kirsty, Just printing off the module 2 handbook gave me anxiety. I had to remind myself that did this in mod one I can do it in mod 2. Great post.

  9. Hey Kirsty, Thanks for this Blog, sounds really down to earth and definitely shares my current feelings of....mmmmm, what, how and hmmmm!!! The way you described the aim of it all at the beginning has actually solidified it for me too so thank you for those tips! I think those two ideas do seem quite broad so yes it will be a challenge. that's the worst part I think having to chose between things that are potentially both rich with exploration avenues and points of interest. I think normally deep down we're always more inclined to one of the choices but it's just recognizing that and trusting your instincts. Normally then just going for it is better and saves you more energy than constantly battling to find the correct choice (as there is no right and wrong.)Just from reading what you put I would lean towards the advancements in Dance Science in comparison to other sports. But that's just my opinion ;)
    I don't know still where my focus will be, I'm feeling stuck! But I don't think it will be similar to yours unfortunately. I wish you lots of luck and it was a pleasure to read :) Totally unrelated but my latest wishes Lauren xx

  10. Hi Kirsty, great post! A lot of that really resonated and it seems you have some really interesting topics to explore. I love the way you've summarised Module 2 and mentioned choosing something you have less knowledge on and is out of your comfort zone - I struggle with this too but this is a good opportunity for us to explore! One of my potential themes is relationships between sport and dance so I look forward to seeing where your ideas take you! x


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