Time flies when you're having fun... or have a deadline to meet

 The past two months seem to have flown by and it's hard to believe we only have a week left until the draft deadline and 4 weeks until the end of module two! I don't know about anyone else but I feel SO far behind at this point. I have finally got to grips with the MORE form after watching the zoom calls from both this year and last year and am starting to realise tat even though it looks long and daunting it really isn't that complicated and a lot of the questions just require a simple sentence or the ticking of the correct box. After speaking to Helen I have also realised that once the MORE form is complete the proposal is somewhat of a walk in the park... By no means is it actually easy but it is definitely a lot less complicated than I originally thought. 

A fair few of the questions (and subsequent answers) from the MORE form can be used in the proposal with just a little bit of extra waffle to make them more sophisticated and tick the "academic writing" box of the criteria. The section of the proposal that I am struggling most with is the ethical considerations and procedures part. I still get confused between the two for some reason although I think in my most recent draft I have finally figured it out! One thing that Helen pointed out to me is that since your ethical procedures is detailed so much in the MORE form (the link to which should be included in your proposal), the proposal should focus more on the considerations aspect; how may your participants be affected, how would you feel if those deep (potentially painful) memories were brought back up, how will you ensure your participants feel comfortable and not vulnerable etc etc etc.

In spending so much time on the MORE form and proposal I seem to have neglected the fact that I only got half way through my literature review before abandoning it to focus on the MORE form since it has the earlier deadline. In doing so I also apparently underestimated how much time it would take me to find relevant resources for the section of my literature review based on my actual inquiry topic. I am currently writing this in attempt to give myself a day off uni work but still feel productive as if I read the words injury, aetiology or prevention one more time I think my head might explode.

I can't wait until all of this planning malarky is completed and I can actually devote my time to researching the thing that actually interests me! Here's to the last few weeks of module 2 going smoothly!


  1. Hi Kirsty, I am reading this after the deadline so I am. Presuming you got all caught up! I actually have found applying feedback sometimes harder than writing the essay in the first place! Also I also struggle getting my head around ethical considerations and procedures because I always think surely I have considered to make something more ethical by putting a procedure in, in the first place? But I think we need to be much clearer and more obvious in our writing! I had a Skype with Helen yesterday and we had a similar discussion so I have added a few more pointers into my essay and am hoping it will be clearer and tick the box!

  2. Hi Kirsty, glad you mentioned in our group re:link to more form as i dont think we were told that....
    Im getting a little worried that i dont have enough 'considerations' or 'procedures' mentioned in my proposal... well not thats OBVIOUS if you get me.. so i think ill have another look at this tomorrow.
    Its tricky as it seems "new" aspects pop up from supervisors that have not been mentioned before or in the handbook, so these blogs are helpful for extra student discussions.

  3. Hi Kristy Glad to hear people are struggling as well i was thinking that i was the only one being stupid because i wasn't getting this! i am so thankful for our group chat you guys are the ones getting me through haha


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