
Showing posts from February, 2021

Module 2 Focus Zoom Call - February 18th

 On Thursday I attended the module two focus zoom call to discuss with my peers and Helen what exactly module 2 is all about and I definitely feel slightly more relaxed as a result.  We started the call going through some important things to consider as we start to compose our inquiry proposals. Helen advised us that our proposal should explain what our area of inquiry is and why, a little bit about that area of inquiry but should focus more on demonstrating our understanding of research methods and methodology and how we will use them in our inquiry.  We were encouraged to take note of the limited time frame we will have to complete the inquiry in module three to ensure that we're not trying to do too much and spoke about making sure the title of our enquiry is feasible and focused on a specific area. In order to formulate a research question we should first find a relatively broad topic that we are interested in to centre our preliminary research around to see what questions aris

Conflicting thoughts

 This past year has been a strange one for everyone in the arts including myself and having hip surgery last October in the midst of it all has made me view my practice in a different way. Spending time looking deeper into my practice and my experiences in the arts industry during module 1 and having so much extra time to think, upon returning to the studio I'm finding it much harder to block out the toxic environment surrounding me.  Taking time out and away from the studio to focus on my recovery I was surrounded by more non-dancers than dancers which enabled me to view my practice from an outside perspective. Talking to these people made me realise how negative, degrading and medieval the arts industry can be and how more dancers and directors need to start trying to change what has become "normal" for dancers around the world.  One of the many issues within the dance world is how companies exploit young professionals. Unpaid contracts should not be a thing. Once a dan

First Thoughts and Welcome Back Calls

I'm not going to lie, looking through the module 2 handbook was starting to cause me a lot of stress and anxiety... The workload seems to have tripled from module 1 and nothing was really making any sense. Having had my one to one meeting with my supervisor earlier this week and attending the welcome back zoom call on Friday I'm beginning to gain some kind of understanding of what this module is about and    how to approach it. My understanding so far is that module 2 is essentially a planning module for the inquiry we undertake in module 3. It allows us the time to complete all of the admin work necessary to undertake a research project at the university whilst also giving us a head start on finding scholars, practitioners and key theorists in the field of study our inquiry will focus on. It is also aimed at providing us with a greater understanding of different methods of research and how to design and plan a research project. During the welcome back zoom call a couple of mod