
Showing posts from September, 2021

The first interview

This whole interview process has ben making me kind of anxious if i'm honest. It feels strange to be interviewing important people (directors/medical directors/physios) who are pretty much always super busy and I guess I'm worried that I am wasting their limited time.  Conducting my interviews via zoom seemed like the best option for my inquiry. It allows me to interview people in a wide range of places and get perspectives from a lot of different people. It also makes the interviews easier to schedule since I don't have to organise travelling to meet people and factor that into a time frame.  That being said technology has been testing my patience recently. I completed my first interview last weekend and it didn't run quite as smoothly as I had hoped. I set up the zoom meeting in advance and sent the invitation link to my participant but for some reason when it came to the day of the interview when I started the scheduled meeting the meeting ID and passcode were differ

Getting the ball rolling

 It's the first week of term and I'm sat here trying to get my brain to slow down and start actually comprehending everything that needs to be done over the next 12 weeks. I had my first 1-2-1 with my new supervisor Pedro on Monday and am glad I have all my initial admin questions ironed out. We started our conversation introducing ourselves and basically going over the ideas behind my inquiry, what inspired it and where I am in terms of preparations for this term and my study plan.  My first question was to clear up the confusion within my module peer group over the participant ID codes that must be listed on each participant information sheet as we were unsure if we made them up or were given them but I confirmed that they are just made up for the purpose of anonymisation.  I wanted to clarify the structure and layout of the report and in particular the length of the literature review. The way the report is described in the handbook, each type of information is presented sepa

Here we go again...

 The well-needed summer break is finally coming to an end and I'm actually kind of excited for module 3. Don't get me wrong, the thought of having to actually complete my inquiry in the next 12 weeks terrifies me but I'm excited to dive in and begin really investigating my field of inquiry.  I've spent the summer teaching alongside training to keep myself in shape, which has given me a fresh perspective on my inquiry topic and helped me understand how perceptions change when one transitions from being the dancer to being the teacher/director. Since I was between seasons I also had time to start organising myself for module 3 and as such feel like I'm more prepared going into this module than either of the previous two. I have created a participant organisation sheet to help me keep on top of my interviewees detailing their participant ID, the dates of contact, if they have been sent the participant information sheet and consent forms and if they are signed, as well