Time flies when you're having fun... or have a deadline to meet
The past two months seem to have flown by and it's hard to believe we only have a week left until the draft deadline and 4 weeks until the end of module two! I don't know about anyone else but I feel SO far behind at this point. I have finally got to grips with the MORE form after watching the zoom calls from both this year and last year and am starting to realise tat even though it looks long and daunting it really isn't that complicated and a lot of the questions just require a simple sentence or the ticking of the correct box. After speaking to Helen I have also realised that once the MORE form is complete the proposal is somewhat of a walk in the park... By no means is it actually easy but it is definitely a lot less complicated than I originally thought. A fair few of the questions (and subsequent answers) from the MORE form can be used in the proposal with just a little bit of extra waffle to make them more sophisticated and tick the "academic writing" box...