
Showing posts from December, 2020

Thats a wrap...

... on module one anyway. Submission day is finally here and against all the odds I managed to complete and submit my work with a full 28 hours to spare. This first module was not what I expected it to be and from looking at the blogs of those who've gone before me it never really is.  I began this course thinking that it would be about taking one aspect of my practice and developing it over the course of the three modules into one final dissertation at the end of module three... I couldn't have been more wrong.  This module has been about investigating my practice as a whole and exploring how different aspects of it link together to form the basis of who I am and what I do. It has been about reflecting on what my practice has been and how I want to develop it as my career continues, about looking at my practice from different perspectives and ultimately about what my practice truly means to me, It has been a big learning curve, getting to grips with unihub, figuring out the pr