
Showing posts from September, 2020

Timing is everything...

If I'm totally honest, right now doesn't seem like the best time for me to be starting this course; I am currently in isolation after testing positive for COVID-19, I'm stuck 4500 miles away from home after not being back since Christmas and I'm about to have a potentially career-ending surgery on my hip in just over a months time. All of this mental stress really is not creating the best headspace for me to be embarking on a Bachelor's degree in Professional Practice, however, thinking logically it's also the perfect time for me to do so.  Commencing this course is particularly daunting for me as throughout my education both in dance and academics I've always been taught there is only one correct answer. This course, on the other hand, aims to explore reflection and creativity. With the extra time I now have on my hands and the possibility of having to alter my career path, there really is no better time to reflect on what I have learned throughout my train